
Gravit designer pro 1 year
Gravit designer pro 1 year

gravit designer pro 1 year

For the purpose of this tutorial, let’s start with the “Nexus 5” template, which has the common size of 360 × 640 pixels.

gravit designer pro 1 year

The first thing you will see when you open Gravit Designer is the start screen, with a broad selection of presets (see figure 2). (Please remember that you need to select “View” → “View Mode” → “Output View,” so that the overflowing parts of the design are clipped when you initially open the design in Gravit.) Start Me Up You can download the design file to inspect it or use it as the base of your own work. So, in this tutorial I will walk you through the creation of a neat weather app (designed by Claudia Driemeyer).

gravit designer pro 1 year

Every new tool can feel daunting at the beginning.

Gravit designer pro 1 year